




Farmtools Oy is a growing and innovative tank supplier that manufactures and sells solutions for the storage, transportation, and warehousing of liquid fuels.


Today, Farmtools offers its expertise to professionals from various fields in the second generation. We have been a valued partner in the agricultural wholesale trade for decades. The history of tank manufacturing at our factory in Ylihärmä reaches all the way to the 1950s.


Our mission is to ensure safe storage of energy, and thus we offer various tank solutions for this purpose. Our products, selection, and services are constantly being developed further to correspond to the requirements of our customers. One of our most recent innovations is the FARMEX Cover™ for fuel oil tanks.





Farmtools Oy is a family-owned company that was established in 1980 by Pertti Ratia. A few years later, he ended up acquiring the business of Viiskone Oy, a tank manufacturer from Ylihärmä, including the company's manufacturing facilities built in the 1950s. Ever since, Farmtools has continued the tradition of Ostrobothnian tank manufacturing in Ylihärmä based on the values of the family business. The original 70-year-old factory building is still in use.


Highly skilled refurbishment expert


In 1992, Farmtools was the first Finnish manufacturer to launch a refurbishment service, which consist of a 10-point factory refurbishment program designed in accordance with instructions issued by TUKES for used farm tanks. The genuine and original refurbishment service is a testament to our 30 years of experience and expertise in refurbishment.


Today, the refurbishment service is called FARMEX PEUKKU™. At times like these, the importance of refurbishment is emphasized even further, as it is after all an environmentally sound and responsible solution for the safe storage of fuel oil.



30 years of refurbishment and 70 years of factory production in Ylihärmä
2020 40 years from the establishment of Farmtools
2017 Manufacturing of forest machine tanks begins
2015 Certification of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
2012 Export activities launched
2011 Farmtools approved as a TDG periodic inspection body
2010 Change of generation: Johanna Ratia and spouse Mika Lind join the operation
1998 Manufacturing of transportation tanks for contracting use begins
1992 10-point refurbishment program launched
1987 Cooperation with the agricultural wholesale trade strengthened further
1984 Farmtools Oy and the factory in Ylihärmä join forces
1980 Farmtools Oy established by Pertti Ratia
1958 Manufacturing of fuel oil tanks for agricultural use begins
1952 Ylihärmä factory established